Monday, January 3, 2011

Happy New Year's

This is the first year that I haven't dreaded it.  Usually after New Year's Eve, it's all downhill from there.  The anxiety starts, literally, anxiety.  As a kid, it's always cause you have to go back to school.  The vacation slowly dwindles down to  As an adult... well I guess much hasn't changed.  We close the restaurant for two weeks for Christmas and New Years.  

So Christmas vacation still brings the anxiety of having to go back to work.  Except when you don't have to go back to work.  It's official.  I'm a stay a home mom.  Louis gets to go to work and I will stay home and watch Days of our Lives.  Um, not.  I have a LONG to do list ahead of me. 

Another reason I'm not dreading this Monday is because I haven't set a million resolutions to be better at everything.  I'm really good at setting myself up to fail.  And then I cry.  Cause I failed. 

This year I'm learning to receive grace and be okay with the fact that I'm a big fat failure.  That I can't do anything right.  But it's okay.  Cause there's a Savior at work within me.  Changing me and reforming me.  So when I do good, it's not because of me at all.  And when I fail, that's okay too because that's my true nature. 

This year, I'm excited.  Because it's gonna be really challenging in a totally different way. 

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