Saturday, February 12, 2011

so behind

So, I haven't kept up with blogging at all.  And I already regret it.  As the days go by, I wish I had the time to document the everydayness of life.  Selah's growing so fast.  I hope I will make time more often. 

Selah's learned to sit by herself this week.  Actually, I think she would have mastered it earlier but I never thought to put her down on the floor.  We always sit on the bed cause it's easier on my back.  She looks really tiny on the floor.  She still kind of hunches over to keep from falling.  She's pretty good at balancing herself.  We actually put her in the shopping cart for the first time ever today at Foodtown.  She looked so cute, could barely see over the bar.  She's actually playing by herself for once.  Only for about 10 minutes at a time. 

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