Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Selah's Birth Story Part 1

I was talking to a friend the other and we swapped birth stories and I realized that there's a lot I've already forgotten so I really need to get on the ball and write this down.  I will be detailed and honest.  Hopefully not too graphic.  Don't read this if you don't wanna know.  This is your warning. 

Selah was due July 26th, a Monday.  To even make it to her due date, seemed like a miracle.  You're counting the minutes, seconds just waiting for something to happen.  I feel heavy just thinking about it.  It's a weird feeling because you're so anxious and you're SO ready to have a baby but at the same time, the next step is labor.  Labor.  Who wants to go into labor?  So you're ready but not ready at the same time. 

So her due date comes.  And goes.  And then another day.  And then another.  Meanwhile, I've been doing everything I know how to do to get this baby out of me.  I'm doing stairs, sitting on my ball, doing 'homework' as my midwife called it, walking, nothing's working.  I probably googled how to induce labor twenty times hoping to come up with another idea.  I've been dilating slowly over the past two weeks, so by now I'm at least 3 cm in without even going into labor.  We had decided that if Selah wasn't gonna come by Thursday, I would go in and have my membrane stripped and hope that would kick start my labor.  Stripping is not the same as having your water broken.  The baby is surrounded in amniotic fluid inside a sack of water that sits above your cervix.  The midwife would separate the sack of water from my cervix by running her finger along the rim, just irritating it so it would do something.  Wednesday night comes. and goes. and we rest up.  Tomorrow we were gonna come home with a baby...

To be continued. 

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